Libellés :
12/07/07 à Boston
Yeah!! Enfin sympatisé avec les meufs! La majorité des meufs qu'on a essayé de connaitre, c'est en jouant aux cartes avec eux :D Mais celles là elles sont restés que une semaine c'est pas cool parce qu'elles étaient géniales!!
Vous voyez la blonde à gauche elle s'appelle Emily, elle était bien canon et bien sympa :D! Le petit problème c'est que j'ai hypra du mal à mémoriser les prénoms des gens amerlocs... Donc je connais que les noms des gens que j'ai vraiment fais des efforts pour mémoriser...
Celle tout à droite c'est Ann!
Hi! Ann! What's Up?
I just recieved your facebook mail, I'll answer U after that! Frankly, your french was pretty good! The 2 weeks without U were great but not better than the first :D!
Hope I'll see you soon :P!!
Hi! Ann! What's Up?
I just recieved your facebook mail, I'll answer U after that! Frankly, your french was pretty good! The 2 weeks without U were great but not better than the first :D!
Hope I'll see you soon :P!!
Emily & Erin! It was so awesome with you the whole first week!
You're magic tricks were so funny, especially Erin's ones!
Thanks to you, I've got a new nickname! :P! Which is Big - T!
You should have stayed one or two weeks more because it was better with you! You were much nicer and prettier than the girls who came after you! Anyway, I'm glad to meet you and I hope I will see you in this camp next year!
Ouais!! Big - T! En faite, un moment elles ont remarqué que mon nom et prénom commençait par un T, Tsukasa TANIMOTO! Et j'ai eu comme surnom Big - T! C'est génial je trouve! :D
You're magic tricks were so funny, especially Erin's ones!
Thanks to you, I've got a new nickname! :P! Which is Big - T!
You should have stayed one or two weeks more because it was better with you! You were much nicer and prettier than the girls who came after you! Anyway, I'm glad to meet you and I hope I will see you in this camp next year!
Ouais!! Big - T! En faite, un moment elles ont remarqué que mon nom et prénom commençait par un T, Tsukasa TANIMOTO! Et j'ai eu comme surnom Big - T! C'est génial je trouve! :D
Sérieux Emily, elle était hypra belle :P! Surtout par rapport à la majorité des amerlocs :D
Marie! Unfortunately, it's my only picture of you... I should have taken more pics! Thanks to you the dance party was a very good time for me :) I was so surprise when i saw you playing tennis, you play tennis so well!! You're so pretty on that pic, well as usual :D
Hope I'll see you again :) Bye
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